| Nistkasten (v3-2024)

nistkasten_logo.jpg 🐦️ | The Nesting Box Project

Language: πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ | πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§/πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Objective: Nesting box for tits (or other small birds) that allows remote observation of rearing young chicks and nesting without disturbing the animals. (IR lighting)

🟒 | Uptime Monitoring:uptime.lemue.org

πŸ› οΈ | Building Instructions: gitlab.lemue.org

πŸ’Έ | Costs: t.b.a. / Energy costs: ~ 6,30€ / month1)2)

πŸ“ | Archive: full-media-archive.zip3) (Caution: some gigabytes!)

⏳ | Local time:4)

πŸ“Ί | Livestream: Nesting box | Inside (Fullscreen)

πŸ” | Archive: Nesting box | Inside5)
πŸ” | Timelapse Archive: Nistkasten | Timelapse Archive6)

πŸ“· | take a Snapshot
πŸ” | show last User 7) Snapshot

πŸ“Ί | Livestream: Nesting box | Outside (Fullscreen)

πŸ” | Archiv: Nesting box | Outside8)
πŸ” | Timelapse Archive: Nistkasten | Timelapse Archive9)

πŸ“· | take a Snapshot
πŸ” | show last User 10) Snapshot

🌑️ | Temperature in the nesting box:11)

Nest: (History)

Inside: (History)

Outside: (History)

🌦️ | Weather Station:12)

Weather Station: surl.lemue.org/weather

🌦️ | Climate logger:13)

Long-term monitoring: surl.lemue.org/nistkasten-klima

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» | Mastodon Log: social.lemue.org


Raspberry Pi, IR camera, USB camera, IR LED spotlight
Power consumption: 13 watts day / 22 watts night
3) , 5) , 6) , 8) , 9)
synchronised every 4 hours
CET/CEST | Europe/Berlin
7) , 10)
Account for web interface is assigned on request: admin@lemue.org
synchronised every 6 minutes
Penzberg (city center)
median, minimum and maximum of the measurements